• Volume 1, Issue 2
    June 2023


Open Access

Issue Information

  • First Published: 07 May 2023


Open Access

Tribo-ferro-optoelectronic neuromorphic transistor of α -In2 Se3

  • First Published: 18 July 2023
Description unavailable

This paper proposes a tribo-ferro-optoelectronic neuromorphic transistor with multimodal synaptic plasticity by combining a triboelectric nanogenerator and a two-dimensional ferroelectric α-In2 Se3 transistor. The device enables associative learning and Boolean logic through the synergy of mechanical displacement, ferroelectric polarization, and light illumination.


Open Access

Potential roles of transformers in brain tumor diagnosis and treatment

  • First Published: 13 July 2023
Description unavailable

Transformers play an essential role in the brain tumor segmentation of MRI images, the MRI- and histopathology-based grading of brain cancer, brain tumor molecular expression prediction, the classification of primary brain metastasis sites, voxel-level dose and brain tumor radiotherapy outcome prediction, synergistic prediction, and the pathway deconvolution of drug combinations. This review aimed to discuss the increasing applications of Transformers in real-time brain tumor detection and therapy, indicating their broad prospects and potential.


Open Access

Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of children's brain development in phonological processing and speeded naming

  • First Published: 10 July 2023
Description unavailable

Mediation effect analysis revealed that the fMRI imaging multivariate features of the inferior frontal gyrus as well as the posterior cingulate gyrus developed with age in children aged 2–8 years, resulting in higher phonological processing and speeded naming scores in children.